Black Writers Collective

Momentum in Action (M.I.A.) Accountability Tribe

The Momentum in Action (M.I.A.) space is all about accountability. Creating momentum in your life means doing a little more of the things that move you forward and a little less of the things that hold you back. On some days, those moves will feel like only an inch while on other days they’ll feel like you moved a mile. But the key to progress is to work consistently toward your goal, whether a little at a time or a lot—one word, sentence, and paragraph at a time—constantly building upon the momentum you gain with each effort until you reach The End.

This group is designed to help hold you accountable and maintain your momentum in getting the words down and completing your writing projects.

We're changing the meaning of M.I.A.!

Purpose: To help each and every member hold themselves and each other accountable to self-imposed writing and publishing goals and deadlines

Details: Members set S.M.A.R.T. goals to start, check-in weekly, and meet bimonthly to discuss progress and stay focused.

More/to join M.I.A.: Navigate to the group in the network, submit a request to join, then watch your email for instructions. Not a BWC member? Fix that.

Momentum in Action Accountability Tribe writers support group - Black Writers Collective

Now Accepting New Members

Members may join the group by clicking Request to Join in the network.


I've accomplished more this quarter with my non-fiction writing than I have in a very long while. I've found a rhythm, and I think I've raised the vibrations around my writing. I'm enjoying it!☺️ I am humbled by the accomplished and disciplined writers of this group. I'm convicted and challenged by what people are doing despite personal hurdles. I'm blown away by the ambition and dedication in this group. I'm moved by the encouragement, the support, and the 'iron-sharpening-iron'. MIA harnessed the best qualities of BWC and quietly served it up on a platter. I lucked up to be at the table. Thank you for providing this awesome arena. It really is unlike any place else on these internets.
Joanna C
Copywriter and Author
Those weekly check-ins truly were a motivation for me to get the writing done and get it down on paper. I knew that at the end of the week I would have to provide (upload) a visible proof of my writing. That type of accountability made a huge difference in how I approached setting goals for myself. The snapshot of my work in real time not only encouraged me to write, but I can look back on my progress and see that I actually did the work!
Kyra B
Writer and Poet

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